Program application language: English
Please find further information under the Documentation Tab.
Required documents for ALL applicants
Canadian Citizenship
The province of British Columbia will accept one of the following notarized/certified documents as proof of the citizenship/permanent residency and is required for all types of applicants. Photocopies are accepted but, citizenship documents other than what is listed below are not accepted. Proof of citizenship/permanent residency must be submitted to CaRMS by the File Review deadline. No allowances for late submission.
If you graduated from an English medical school in Canada (including McGill) or the US, you are exempt from providing proof of language proficiency.
Candidates who attended medical school in Quebec or the University of Ottawa where the language of instruction or the primary language of patient care was not English, must fulfill the English Language Proficiency requirements of the College of Physicians of Surgeons of BC as identified below. This requirement is the same for IMGs and is required by the start of the Ranking Period.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC requires applicants to be proficient in the English language.
The Registration Committee may determine that an applicant has demonstrated English language proficiency if the following conditions are met:
Applications received by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC on or before June 30, 2023, who have not met the above requirements will require one of: IELTS Academic examination, OET Medicine Examination or CELPIP General Examination for licensing (see criteria below). As such, applicants must submit the proof of English language proficiency to CaRMS by the start of Ranking Period. Photocopies are acceptable.
Please note that results from these three examinations cannot be mixed. Candidates must meet all of the criteria in either the IELTS, OET or CELPIP examination.
Applicants are advised to review the College of Physicians and Surgeons English Language Proficiency Requirements here:
A minimum of three reference letters are required. A maximum of 5 letters will be accepted. References should be from consultant level physicians. References are due by the CARMS reference letter deadline.
A CV outlining past experiences, awards and scholarly activities is required. List any research activities you have have been involved in, volunteer activities (within and outside of medical school), and any extracurricular activities in which you are actively participating.
Medical Student Performance RecordFor current year Canadian medical graduates (CMGs), there is no action required from you. Your medical school will automatically submit your MSPR to CaRMS on your behalf for you to assign.
If your MSPR is in a language other than the program language of English or French, you are required to have the document translated.
Your medical school transcript can be submitted through one of the methods below:
A personal letter of no longer than 1200 words is required. The letter should outline the following; unique aspects of the candidate, reasons for pursuing a career (and training) in Vascular Surgery with the University of British Columbia, and what will the candidate contribute to the training program.
PhotoA photo is required as a memory aid
Applications submitted after file review has opened on January 10, 2023
Supporting documents (excluding letters of reference) that arrive after file review has opened on January 10, 2023
Letters of reference that arrive after the unmasking date on January 10, 2023
The University of British Columbia Division of Vascular Surgery residency selection committee will be responsible for selecting the CMG CaRMS resident. This committee is approved by the Residency Program Committee and will consist of 8 surgical faculty (including the program director) and 4 non-graduating residents. All applications will be reviewed by this committee and decisions for offering an interview will be made based on selection criteria below.
The UBC Vascular Surgery Residency Program seeks candidates who have shown ability and potential academically, technically and professionally. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the field of vascular surgery. Given the importance of the inter and intra-disciplinary team approach to vascular surgical patients, excellent communication, leadership and collaborative skills are essential.
At UBC, we are committed to training physicians who will ultimately be serving our population.
Residents in our program are are expected to demonstrate clinical and academic excellence, exceptional interpersonal and teamwork skills, research experience, and a sense of responsibility and dedication to the profession. Residents are expected to be active community members and demonstrate balance as evidenced by engagement in volunteer, extracurricular or other types of activities.
At UBC, we rely on the entire province for training. This includes sites throughout the lower mainland (metro Vancouver), Vancouver Island, and Kelowna.
Identify applicants interest in Vascular Surgery, and those who will develop into exceptional surgeons.
Identify applicants who have demonstrated ability to interact appropriately with patients, colleagues, and various healthcare team members alike.
Identify applicants who have demonstrated attributes highlighted in the CanMEDS competencies.
Identify applicants who have demonstrated ability and enthusiasm to learn and are able to adapt to the various demands of residency training.
Identify applicants who have a sincere interest to serve British Columbians.
Review team composition : The residency selection team is approved by the Residency Program Committee and will consist of 8 surgical faculty (including the program director) and 4 non-graduating residents
Average number of applications received by our program in the last five years : 0 - 50
Average percentage of applicants offered interviews : 76 - 100 %
File component | Criteria |
CV | Evaluate content, including research, publications, electives |
Electives | Clinical evaluations (in particular those from vascular rotations or electives) |
Examinations | We do not evaluate this file component. |
Extra-curricular | Voluneeting (medical and non-medical) and mentoring |
Leadership skills | Holding office in a student government, club or organization |
MSPRs | Demonstrated interpersonal skills |
Personal letters | Interest in discipline and program location |
Reference documents | Positive interaction with colleagues and patients |
Research/Publications | Interest in participating in future research projects |
Transcripts | Academic performance |
Other file component(s) | Any MCC exam results, IMG Clinical Assesment Program results (if applicable), academic performance |
Interview format :
We routinely accommodate requests to re-schedule interviews for applicants due to weather, technology failure or unforeseen circumstances.
Interview components | Criteria |
Collaboration skills | Promotion of high-quality patient care through working in a team environment |
Collegiality | Behaviour, attitude, ability to work well with others |
Communication skills | Ability to speak and write in English |
Health advocacy | Knowledge of social and economic determinants of health |
Interest in the discipline | Demonstrated interest and ability in the specialty; evidence for compassion |
Interest in the program | Demonstrated interest program, setting, and serving British Columbians |
Leadership skills | Ability to initiate programs, lead organizations or groups, and make an impact |
Professionalism | Correspondence with staff, residents and administrative personnel |
Scholarly activities | Research publications |
Strengths of the UBC Vascular Program include the faculty, clinical resources, and an atmosphere of collegiality, cooperation and excellence.
Vascular Surgery and Endovascular rotations are based at 4 hospitals throughout British Columbia: Vancouver General Hospital (6 vascular surgeons), St. Paul's Hospital (3 vascular surgeons), Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria (4 vascular surgeons) and Kelowna General Hospital (4 vascular surgeons). Each program has an excellent, award-winning record for delivering enthusiastic, quality education. The University of British Columbia division of vascular surgery has discontinued its fellowship training program in 2016, and carries a total of 5-7 direct entry residents, providing robust and frequent operative and clinical experience to residents across all 4 sites.
The University of British Columbia Division of Vascular Surgery prides itself on its comprehensiveness, with training that spans all aspects of vascular care. This includes complex and standard endovascular thoracic, abdominal, and thoracoabdominal aortic interventions; open thoracic, abdominal and thoracoabdominal aortic surgery, peripheral arterial bypass, advanced lower extremity endovascular intervention, carotid artery intervention for stroke prevention, open and endovascular creation of dialysis access, open and endovenous management of varicose veins, deep venous stenting, thoracic outlet surgery, surgical exposures for anterior approaches to spine surgery, collaboration for oncologic procedures, and the treatment of arteriovenous malformations. There are significant collaborations with cardiac surgery, interventional radiology, cardiology, nephrology, plastic surgery and surgical oncology that offer candidates the widest breadth of exposure possible.
All residents are afforded elective time during their senior years (PGY-4 and PGY-5) that are designed to help gain experience in areas of interest and explore employment opportunities. Residents in the past have organized electives throughout Canada, the United States and internationally.
Research is a strong focus of the program and focuses primarily on clinical outcomes, basic science and surgical education. Numerous opportunities exist for conducting research throughout the residency program through either individual projects or as part of a graduate degree, including funded graduate programs such as the Clinical Investigator Program and the Centre for Health Education and Scholarship Clinical Educator Fellowship.
This residency program is for 5 years.
Program length of training does not exceed the Royal College or College of Family Physicians of Canada standard.
The resident starting in 2022 will be following the the new Competency by Design pathway for training initiated in 2021. The fundamental tenet of the Competency by Design framework is a greater emphasis on demonstrating and documenting achievement of core clinical and operative competencies. There will be substantially more attention to both clinical and operative assessments, individual learner progress, and less focus on strict time-based advancement through training. As a result of these modifications, training focus on vascular surgery starts earlier with greater early vascular surgery exposure, with less focus on off-service surgical/medical training. The off-service rotations have been significantly curtailed and now are limited to general surgery - hepatobiliary, perioperative medicine, and cardiology during the Transition to Discipline and Foundations of Discipline phases (correlating to PGY-1 to PGY-2). The remaining time is dedicated exclusively to vascular surgery training at one of the 4 core training sites.
The first two years are the Surgical Foundations years. Surgical Foundations is a core curriculum for all surgical residents at UBC during PGY-1 and PGY-2 and involve weekly seminar seminars, technical skills laboratory sessions, online case-based learning modules, Principles of Surgery Examination Review Lectures, and a series of formative assessments. This is supplemented by the CRASH course, a month-long block dedicated to certification for Advanced Trauma Life Support, critical care-focused training, and the development of foundational surgical skills (suturing, chest tubes, tracheostomy, intubation, line insertion, etc.). The Surgical Foundations program at the University of British Columbia culminates with the completion of the Royal College of Physicians Surgical Foundations Examination, a requirement of Royal College certification and completed generally during the second year of surgical training.
The last ~3 years involve comprehensive vascular surgical training. The core training will involve extensive exposure to all areas of vascular surgery at all 4 training sites. During this time residents will consolidate their knowledge and skills in the goal of becoming licensed vascular surgeons. A new facet of the Competency by Design framework is a final transition to discipline stage, where residents in the final stages of training will gain additional experience managing OR slates, organizing and running outpatient clinics, and developing skills required to have them ready to start practice.
The vascular surgery training program is supported by a robust academic curriculum. This includes weekly academic half-days with didactic teaching in addition to weekly technical skills, endovascular and open simulation, wet-lab, and case-based learning. In addition, there are monthly journal clubs, weekly city-wide rounds presentations, activities for residents-as-teachers, and weekly TEVAR rounds and Vascular-Interventional Radiology Interdisciplinary rounds.
UBC Division of Vascular Surgery
The UBC Vascular Division has five hospitals through which residents will rotate: Vancouver General Hospital, St. Paul's Hospital, Royal Columbian Hospital, Kelowna General Hospital and Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria. These centres provide the faculty and training necessary to complete the Royal College Requirements for a 5 year Vascular Surgery residency program. Each of these centres has its own advantages and strengths and the program's objective is to utilize these sites to optimize the training and experience of UBC Vascular Surgery residents.
Vancouver General Hospital: Large quaternary referral teaching hospital, a Level 1 Trauma centre, and the second largest hospital in Canada. 6 full-time clinical vascular faculty treat the entire spectrum of vascular procedures in a hybrid OR with a second hybrid room in development. Specific highlights of Vancouver General Hospital include a high volume of open and endovascular aortic surgery involving all aspects of the abdominal and thoracic aorta. VGH is the primary referral site for the province for advanced open thoracoabdominal aortic pathology. VGH offers a high volume carotid practice and is the quaternary stroke centre for the province of British Columbia. VGH also has high volumes of advanced open and endovascular reconstruction for lower extremity arterial disease, first rib resection for thoracic outlet syndrome, and endovenous procedures for deep venous obstructive disease. Collaboration with surgical oncology is frequent for the reconstruction of arterial and venous structures during surgical oncology procedures. There is also a high volume private vein practice where residents will be exposed to treatment of venous pathology of all forms from ulcers to cosmesis, and will gain experience with all forms of open and endovenous treatment of veins.
St. Paul's Hospital: Large downtown teaching hospital with the largest renal replacement program in British Columbia. Highlights of St. Paul's Hospital include a very high volume of basic and advanced dialysis access surgery, extensive lower extremity arterial disease reconstruction, and a multidisciplinary collaboration for advanced endovascular aortic cases and EVAR with interventional radiology. 2 trained vascular surgeons have cross appointments in interventional radiology and have dedicated operating time in IR with treatment of a wide variety of common and uncommon vascular pathology, as well as the only site in British Columbia providing endovascular arteriovenous fistulas. In addition St. Paul's Hospital has a high volume heart transplant program and one of the highest volume minimally invasive cardiac valve programs in Canada with frequent complex vascular access issues for both procedures and ECMO.
Royal Columbian Hospital: The largest and highest volume community hospital in British Columbia. The Royal Columbian Hospital provides the largest volume of advanced (e.g. fenestrated, branched and physician modified) endovascular aortic cases in the province including abdominal and thoracic pathology. In addition to a high volume of conventional vascular surgery pathology, RCH has the largest volume of advanced peripheral endovascular pathology in the province and provides residents to a large volume of cases with alternate access (retrograde pedal, percutaneous axillary, etc.) for all levels of peripheral arterial pathology. Current construction of a new hospital will provide access to 2 hybrid surgical suites and to outpatient cath labs for dedicated endovascular cases. Resident will rotate at Royal Columbian Hospital as a mid-level trainee and again near the completion of training.
Kelowna General Hospital: Serves the majority of the British Columbian interior and provides excellent exposure to junior and mid-level trainees to a very high volume community practice of open and endovascular arterial pathology. Kelowna General Hospital provides a regular exposure to endovascular and open management of aortic aneurysmal disease, aortic dissection, carotid pathology and the management of peripheral arterial disease. Kelowna General Hospital has a strong reputation for outstanding resident teaching and for offering an early opportunity for operative exposure in more junior years where residents do not have to compete for cases. Housing during this rotation is fully covered by the Postgraduate Medical Education Office at UBC.
Royal Jubilee Hospital (Victoria): Serves the entirety of Vancouver Island. With the oldest health authority in Canada, RJH provides some of the highest volume community based vascular surgery in Canada, including one of the highest volume carotid practices in the country. RJH is recognized for having a very busy open and endovascular aortic program with an excellent exposure to conventional open vascular surgery. Residents gain significant operative experience and autonomy during their senior rotation at RJH to all aspects of vascular surgery, with most trainees rotating through during their 5th year of training. Housing during this rotation is fully covered by the Postgraduate Medical Education Office at UBC.
Vancouver is a world class multicultural city with a variety of attributes and activities for all to enjoy!
Stunning scenery - there are countless activities to occupy you in summer and winter, and you can say goodbye to anything that looks like a Canadian winter during your time in Vancouver. Vancouver has an enormous variety of award winning restaurants and world class entertainment including the Vancouver Symphony, live theatre, summer festivals and sporting events, including the Vancouver Canucks, the Whitecaps, and the BC Lions. Enjoy the incredible amount of urban greenspace including Stanley Park, the Vancouver Seawall, numerous incredible botanical gardens and the world-famous Vancouver Aquarium.
There is no province with more to do out of doors year round than in British Columbia. Enjoy skiing at multiple world class mountains only a short drive from Vancouver, including Whistler (only an hour north of Vancouver), Grouse Mountain, Cypress, and world class skiing in the British Columbia Interior including Sun Peaks, Big White, and Revelstoke to name just a few. Enjoy hiking, fishing, river rafting and camping in the summer throughout countless provincial and national parks. Enjoy snorkeling, scuba diving, and even surfing on Vancouver Island in some of the most beautiful coastal areas in Canada. The Okanagan is the northernmost serious wine-producing region in the world and home to many internationally recognized wines.
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